2012年8月30日 星期四


(1) 性質/病徵
一般來說, 週邊視網膜退化、深近視眼、外傷、玻璃體牽引等多種原因,可造成視網膜裂孔。 視網膜裂孔很多時是没有明顯的病徵,部份患者會感覺出現閃光和眼前黑影的病徵,如果沒有得到適當的治理,嚴重的話,患者會進至視網膜脫落, 以至突然喪失視力。

(2) 與視網膜脫落的關係
對於年青人來說,視網膜退化是引起視網膜裂孔和視網膜脫落的主要原因,如同時出現以下情況的視網膜退化或裂孔,應及早進行光凝治療,否則可在下列情況下,引致視網膜裂孔,甚至視網膜脫落的機會比較大 :

  • 有明顯的玻璃體黏連,眼前有黑影/出現閃光感覺
  • 玻璃體與視網膜退化同時出現
  • 有視網膜脫落家族歷史
  • 另一眼睛曾有視網膜脫落的情況
  • 患有深近視, 且退化範圍較大

(3) 治療方法


2012年8月16日 星期四



(1) 糖尿病視網膜病變的普及性

(2) 糖尿病視網膜病變的病徵

(3) 糖尿病視網膜病變的治療方法

(4) 糖尿病患者注意事項

  • 留意視力有沒有出現衰退或改變的現像
  • 預防勝於治療
  • 好好控制血糖及其他相關的疾病,如高血壓等
  • 如有需要,必須儘快轉介眼科醫生診治



2012年8月9日 星期四

Amblyopia Diagnosed and Treated

How Is amblyopia Diagnosed?

All children should be screened before they are school age. Your child's doctor or the vision program at school will check three aspects of your child's eye health:

1. That your child's eyes let light all the way through.
2. That both eyes see equally well.
3. That the eyes are moving normally.

If there's a problem in any of those three areas, the doctor or school nurse may recommend a visit to an eye specialist. If you feel that something could be wrong with your child's vision, call your doctor even if he or she has been screened at school.

Family history of amblyopia is a risk factor for the disorder. Parents cannot tell just by looking at their child if they have amblyopia. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to the best visual outcome.

How Is amblyopia Treated?

The most common treatment for amblyopia is to force the brain to start using the "bad" eye. This is done by first correcting any underlying problems in that eye and then by putting a patch over the "good" eye. At first, the child will have a hard time seeing with just the weaker eye. 

However, it is very important that your child wear the patch diligently because this will eventually improve vision. It can take weeks or months for an eye patch to improve vision. It's important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully and that your child is monitored closely during treatment.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.