2011年12月27日 星期二

How Is Amblyopia Treated?

As the child keeps using only the eye with amblyopia, his or her vision will continue to improve. After the doctor determines that vision is back to normal, your child will not have to wear the patch. Some children may again lose some vision and need to undergo another round of patching. In cases of mild amblyopia, the doctor might recommend using an eye drop called atropine in the "good" eye instead of a patch. Atropine dilates the pupil and blurs the vision in the "good eye," forcing the "bad" eye to do most of the work while the child is playing with toys, eating, drawing, or reading.

Most children with amblyopia will also need glasses to help focus. If there is something blocking light from getting into the eye, the doctor might recommend surgery to remove the blockage. If strabismus is preventing the eyes from moving together correctly, your doctor might recommend surgery on the muscles of the eye. Your doctor will discuss with you what treatment is most appropriate for your child.

What Is the Outlook for Children With Amblyopia?

If existing underlying problems are treated and the amblyopia is detected and treated early, most children will gain vision. Because amblyopia becomes much more difficult to treat after about 7-9 years of age, early childhood exams are very important. It is important that you follow your doctor's advice about treatment. This can be very difficult, because many children do not want to wear an eye patch every day. With the use of atropine as an alternative method of treatment, success is now possible in a larger proportion of children with amblyopia.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

2011年12月25日 星期日

Amblyopia Diagnosed and Treated

How Is amblyopia Diagnosed?
All children should be screened before they are school age. Your child's doctor or the vision program at school will check three aspects of your child's eye health:
  1. That your child's eyes let light all the way through.
  2. That both eyes see equally well.
  3. That the eyes are moving normally.
If there's a problem in any of those three areas, the doctor or school nurse may recommend a visit to an eye specialist. If you feel that something could be wrong with your child's vision, call your doctor even if he or she has been screened at school.

Family history of amblyopia is a risk factor for the disorder. Parents cannot tell just by looking at their child if they have amblyopia. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to the best visual outcome.

How Is amblyopia Treated?
The most common treatment for amblyopia is to force the brain to start using the "bad" eye. This is done by first correcting any underlying problems in that eye and then by putting a patch over the "good" eye. At first, the child will have a hard time seeing with just the weaker eye. However, it is very important that your child wear the patch diligently because this will eventually improve vision. It can take weeks or months for an eye patch to improve vision. It's important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully and that your child is monitored closely during treatment.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

2011年12月23日 星期五

Amblyopia and Your Child's Eyes

Amblyopia -- or lazy eye -- is a condition that occurs in children when some underlying cause prevents vision from developing properly in one eye. If Amblyopia is left untreated, a child's vision will never  fully develop correctly in that eye. Vision impairment becomes permanent because as the child’s brain matures, it will "ignore" the image coming from the poorly seeing eye. Because Amblyopia can result in permanent vision loss in one eye, it is important to have a child with Amblyopia regularly tested by an eye doctor.

What Causes Amblyopia?
Amblyopia usually starts when one eye has much better focus than the other eye. For example, one eye might be very nearsighted or have a lot of astigmatism, while the other does not. When the child's brain is confronted with both a blurry image and a clear image, it will begin to ignore the blurry image. If this goes on for months or years, the vision in the eye that sees the blurry image will deteriorate.

Another cause of Amblyopia is strabismus. Strabismus is an ocular misalignment, meaning that one eye turns inward or outward. This prevents the eyes from focusing together on an image and can cause double vision. In order to combat this, the child's brain generally chooses to ignore the image from the deviated eye, causing the vision in that eye to deteriorate. Because one of the eyes is misaligned, some people refer to this as a "lazy eye."
Other children cannot see well in one eye because something blocks light from getting through. This could be due, among other causes, to a cataract or a small amount of blood or other material in the back of the eye.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

2011年12月19日 星期一


參考資料:  www.eye.123.com.hk


更嚴重的是 : 視力出現問題的時候,只視作是老化過程的必然結果,並不察覺及明白到控制病情的大原則:「及時就醫、盡早診治」,並將病情的影響減至最少,間接令患者的生活質素因而下降, 並承受不必要的困擾,包括日常生活、情緒、社交等等。

因此,若發現家中長者或自己的視力出現問題, 切勿忽略或自行處理,例如:自行購買眼藥水、滴用別人的眼藥水等等,患者應及早廷醫診治,讓病情得到恰當的處理。若有興趣認識更多有關眼疾的資料,可向專科醫護人員查詢。


2011年12月17日 星期六



傳統式和Epi-Lasik整項手術 (兩隻眼睛計) 需時僅十五分鐘;而Intralase雙眼需時三十分鐘,原因是激去切割角膜瓣比較緩慢。



參考資料: 21世紀近視療法話您知》


2011年12月14日 星期三


參考資料: www.eye.123.com.hk


Classic (傳統式) 已沿用十年,它是利用自動化角膜切割器的金屬刀片,為角膜切割出角膜瓣,以我所用的B&L Hansatome 品牌角膜切割器為例,切出來的角膜瓣厚度為一百二十微米 (120um)

AMO Intralase 技術三年前面世,利用激光來切割角膜瓣,厚度為一百微米 (100um)。上層角膜瓣切得越薄,下層角膜組織越多,而矯正的近視度數亦越大。深近視而角膜較薄的病人,適宜使用 Intralase

至於Epi-Lasik,則在二零零六年才推出,所用的儀器是 AMO Amadeus,方法是利用高振頻的塑膠片來割出一塊超薄的角膜瓣,厚度只有五十微米 (50um),所以剩下來的下層角膜瓣比較多,這種新技術最適合用於角膜非常薄的病人。


2011年12月11日 星期日






參考資料: 《長者護眼常識100分》 www.eye.123.com.hk


2011年12月9日 星期五



更嚴重的是 : 在視力出現問題的時候,只視作是老化過程的必然結果,並不察覺及明白到控制病情的大原則:「及時就醫、盡早診治」,並將病情的影響減至最少,間接令患者的生活質素因而下降, 並承受不必要的困擾,包括日常生活、情緒、社交等等。

因此,若發現家中長者或自己的視力出現問題, 切勿忽略或自行處理,例如:自行購買眼藥水、滴用別人的眼藥水等等,患者應及早廷醫診治,讓病情得到恰當的處理。若有興趣認識更多有關眼疾的資料,可向專科醫護人員查詢。

參考資料: www.eye.123.com.hk


2011年12月6日 星期二


患者必須放大瞳孔,進行眼底檢查。由於個別患者的病情有差異, 故部份患者可能需要接受眼底熒光及靛青綠血管造影的檢查,以確定(1)退化之類別及(2)血管增生之位置及滲漏之情況。


i) 激光光凝 (Laser Photocoagulation)

ii) 光動力療法 (Photodynamic Therapy)


2011年12月3日 星期六


l   視力模糊或擾亂
l   中央視力有彎曲及變形;如天線、建築物的周邊等,出現波浪形狀
l   影像中央出現黑或白影


萎縮型/乾性(Atropic or Dry AMD) 是最常見的類型,視力會隨黃斑點功能逐步萎縮而緩緩下降。而滲出型/濕性(Exudative or Wet AMD)是最嚴重及令患者致盲的主要原因。由於血管滲漏及出血,中心視力可迅速下降。這些新增的血管,最後會演變成疤痕,而黃斑點的細胞也將受到永久性的創傷。

參考資料: www.eye.123.com.hk
