2011年10月28日 星期五

Amblyopia and Your Child's Eyes (continued...)

How Is Amblyopia Treated?
The most common treatment for amblyopia is to force the brain to start using the "bad" eye by putting a patch over the "good" eye. At first, the child will have a hard time seeing with just the weaker eye. However, it is very important that your child wear the patch diligently because this will eventually improve vision. It can take weeks or months for an eye patch to improve vision.

As the child keeps using only the eye with amblyopia, his or her vision will continue to improve. After the doctor determines that vision is back to normal, your child will not have to wear the patch. Some children may again lose some vision and need to undergo another round of patching. In cases of mild amblyopia, the doctor might recommend using an eye drop called atropine in the "good" eye instead of a patch. Atropine blurs the vision in the "good eye," forcing the "bad" eye to do most of the work while the child is playing with toys, eating, drawing, or reading.
Most children with amblyopia will also need glasses to help focus. If there is something blocking light from getting into the eye, the doctor might recommend surgery to remove the blockage. If strabismus is preventing the eyes from moving together correctly, your doctor might recommend surgery on the muscles of the eye. Your doctor will discuss with you what treatment is most appropriate for your child.

What Is the Outlook for Children With Amblyopia?
If existing underlying problems are treated and the amblyopia is detected and treated early, most children will gain vision. Because amblyopia becomes much more difficult to treat after about 7-9 years of age, early childhood exams are very important. It is important that you follow your doctor's advice about treatment. This can be very difficult, because many children do not want to wear an eye patch every day. With the use of atropine as an alternative method of treatment, success is now possible in a larger proportion of children with amblyopia.

Reference information: http://www.webmd.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

2011年10月26日 星期三

Amblyopia and Your Child's Eyes

Amblyopia is a condition that occurs in children when vision has not developed properly in each eye. If amblyopia is left untreated, a child's vision will not develop correctly. The child's brain, as it matures, will start "ignoring" the image coming from the bad eye. This causes vision in the affected eye to become poor. Because amblyopia can result in permanent vision loss in one eye, it is important to have a child with amblyopia regularly tested by an eye doctor.

What Causes Amblyopia?
Amblyopia usually starts when one eye has much better focus than the other eye. For example, one eye might be very nearsighted or have a lot of astigmatism, while the other does not. When the child's brain is confronted with both a blurry image and a clear image, it will begin to ignore the blurry image. If this goes on for months or years, the vision in the eye that sees the blurry image will deteriorate.
Another cause of amblyopia is strabismus. Strabismus is an ocular misalignment, meaning that one eye turns inward or outward. This prevents the eyes from focusing together on an image and can cause double vision. In order to combat this, the child's brain generally chooses to ignore the image from the deviated eye, causing the vision in that eye to deteriorate. Because one of the eyes is misaligned, some people refer to this as a "lazy eye."
Other children cannot see well in one eye because something blocks light from getting through. This could be due, among other causes, to a cataract or a small amount of blood or other material in the back of the eye.

How Is Amblyopia Diagnosed?
All children should be screened before they are school age. Your child's doctor or the vision program at school will check three aspects of your child's eye health:
s   That your child's eyes let light all the way through.
s   That both eyes see equally well.
s   That the eyes are moving normally.
If there's a problem in any of those three areas, the doctor or school nurse may recommend a visit to an eye specialist. If you feel that something could be wrong with your child's vision, call your doctor even if he or she has been screened at school.
Family history of amblyopia is a risk factor for amblyopia. Parents cannot tell just by looking at their child if they have amblyopia. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to the best visual outcome.

Reference information: http://www.webmd.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

2011年10月23日 星期日


一種名為Argon Laser 激光治療,是預防視網膜脫落的唯一方法。這種激光做法簡單,每隻眼睛大約需時十分鐘,病人坐在激光儀器前,滴了麻醉眼水後,便把一個激光鏡放在眼球上,引導激光通過角膜、晶體及玻璃體,直達視網膜,令激光在視網膜上產生類似發炎的效果;三星期後,那些接受過激光治療視網膜退化的地方及小洞的周圍將會穩固下來,防止視網膜繼續惡化。

接受Argon Laser 激光治療後,漂浮物及閃光的情況或會繼續出現,因為仍有退化及小洞存在,不過情況已受控制,不會惡化不去而變成視網膜脫落。病人須每年定期接受檢查,確保視網膜其他未接受激光治療的部位沒有出現退化問題。

視網膜脫落的病徵同樣會出現飛蚊或閃光,它們突然大量增多,視力也開始受影響,如像銀幕慢慢垂下來,漸漸看不見東西,造成失明的時間由幾天至幾星期不等,視乎脫落的速度。Argon Laser 激光治療只可用在未脫落的視網膜上,如果已經脫落,就只有動手術,把穿孔用海綿體封閉,撫平視網膜視網膜脫落的復原時間漫長,有些個案長達半年或一年,如果黃斑點也脫落了,視力會大不如前。如果脫落的時間太長,視網膜收縮了,手術可能不成功,最終不幸失明。


參考資料: 《長者護眼常識100分》


2011年10月19日 星期三





參考資料: 21世紀近視療法話您知》


2011年10月18日 星期二








2011年10月15日 星期六







2011年10月13日 星期四






睡覺時,需要戴上透明的保護眼罩,以免入睡後不自覺地揉擦雙眼。一個月內不能做某些運動,包括游泳及有身體接觸的運動 (如足球、籃球)。眼部化妝也不適宜,因為如果因而出現任何感染,問題非常嚴重。

參考資料: eye123.com.hk


2011年10月9日 星期日






參考資料: <<21世紀近視療法話您知>>


2011年10月3日 星期一



斜視可以是先天性或後天因素而引起的. 在先天性斜視的情況下,有可能小朋友患有其他疾病,例如小眼球,兒童白內障,視網膜病變,或中樞神經問題等等。先天性斜視的患者通常同時出現視力較差的情況。後天性斜視往,會先出視間歇性的斜視問題,斜視出現頻率會慢慢明顯。後天性斜視的患者可能會有屈光不正和弱視的問題。

如果家長懷疑小朋友患有斜視,應盡快帶小朋友接受眼科醫生的眼睛檢查. 眼科醫生會為小朋友進行一個詳細的視力檢查、視覺矯正、立體視覺檢查和全面的眼睛檢查,包括,視網膜檢查等等

